In 1895, a vision manifested by five brilliant minds came to life, bearing the name Chi Omega. Dr. Charles Richardson, Jean Vincenheller, Jobelle Holcombe, Christina May Boles, and Alice Cary Simonds constructed the secrets, symbolism, and ritual that laid the...
We welcomed 122 new members into Psi chapter on January 25-28. Members, including big sisters, worked hard to make initiation week one that wouldn’t be forgotten. Many alumnae traveled to watch girls become a part of the organization they love. The memorable week...
Our annual Dad’s Day was filled with family that traveled from near and far to Fayetteville for yummy barbecue, tours of our newly renovated house, and a Hog win against Texas State! Needless to say, being a Chi Omega Dad is good. Really, really good.
Chi Omega Sister Cordia Harrington of Nashville, TN, owner of Tennessee Bun Company, was recently awarded the Johnson-Fellow Award at the University of Arkansas. She presented to students in classes during the week and was honored with a reception Thursday, April...